Technical Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about IPUMS Geomarker? See our FAQ..

View our frequently asked questions.

Video Tutorials

If you would like a video overview of IPUMS Geomarker, view our Intro to IPUMS Geomarker Webinar

Intro to IPUMS Geomarker Webinar.

Questions and Answers

For specific questions about the data or website, please search for an answer on our user forum. You can also ask a question there, which one of our staff members or a fellow user will answer.

User Forum.


If you are having difficulties with GeoMarker data or documentation, please email the User Support team for assistance. Please be as detailed as possible in your email so we can better address the problem.

Please send assistance requests to


Improvement of the functionality, data, and documentation depends, in part, on feedback from users who share their suggestions and observations about errors, inconsistencies, and lack of clarity in the data and documentation. We ask users to notify us about any errors or problems they encounter or to make suggestions about how the materials could be improved.

Please send feedback to